BJP Series Junction Boxes
The Scale Accuracy is not only depend on the quality of the Indicator and the Load Cell. The Junction Box is the third very important instrument which determines the scale accuracy. Precision Baykon BJP Series Polyester Junction Boxes are designed to use in every kind of industrial weighing applications including weighbridges, tank scales, silo weighing systems, conveyor scales and high capacity scales etc., especially in the chemical environments which polyester resist.
The most accurate output is produced from matched load cells to high unbalanced load cells for scale accuracy and for easy calibration. The signal accuracy of the matched load cells are not changed because of the electronic circuitry in the junction box. There is no any adjustment limit even the output signal unbalances of load cells are too much.
Protection Class
Lightning Protection
Functional Features
Typical Applications
• Weighbridges
• Industrial weighing applications
• In chemical environments which polyester can resist.
• Weighing systems under lightning risk
• Up to 8 load cell connection
• Corner trimming by high long term stable components.
• Stainless steel housing
• IP67 waterproof protection
• Easy eccentricity adjustment.
• Lightening protection at all models
• Doesn’t distort the signal balance of the matched load cells.
Heavy Industrial Products
• These instruments are designed for heavy industrial environments.
• IP30
• Wide Operating temperature range from -15 to 60 ºC
• Lightning protection increases your system’s reliability in long term
Data Type