Processus de gestion des plaintes des clients
1.1.Upon receiving a complaint, Baykon verifies whether the complaint is related to Baykon's activities and, if so, addresses it. Otherwise, the complainant is informed of the situation.
1.2.When Baykon receives a complaint, it is responsible for gathering and verifying all the information required to validate the complaint.
1.3.Wherever possible, Baykon notifies the complainant that the complaint has been accepted and provides updates on the progress and outcome of the complaint.
1.4.The results to be communicated to the complainant are prepared, reviewed, and approved by individuals not involved in the Baykon activities subject to the complaint.
2.Complaint Handling Procedure
2.1.Complaints received from customers via phone, fax, email, the Customer Feedback Form on the website, verbally, or through customer satisfaction surveys are recorded by the responsible department head on the Customer Complaint Form and forwarded to the Quality Assurance Manager.
2.2.The Quality Assurance Manager authorizes the relevant department manager according to the subject of the complaint/objection. The authorized personnel decide on whether the complaint/objection is related to Baykon's activities and determines the responsible parties, evaluation of the issue, actions to be taken, and resolution of the complaint. All situations related to complaints are recorded with the Customer Complaint Form.
2.3.After the relevant department conducts its investigations and evaluations, the acceptance or rejection of the complaint, along with its justifications, is communicated to the customer within a maximum of one week. In cases where identifying the root cause takes time, the notification period may be extended with mutual agreement from the customer.
2.4.If necessary, corrective actions are initiated following the evaluation of the customer complaint, and the Corrective Action Procedure is implemented.
2.5.For complaints related to calibration services, if nonconformities are identified after evaluation, actions are taken according to the Nonconforming Calibration Work Procedure.
2.6.In cases where complaints related to calibration services cannot be resolved, the calibration processes will be repeated with the arbitration of another laboratory accredited by TÜRKAK or UME, with the agreement of the customer. Based on the result, the party found to be at fault bears the costs of the arbitrating laboratory.
2.7.Baykon is responsible for all decisions made throughout the complaint-handling process. The maximum feedback period to the customer after the completion of actions and decisions is 15 days. Complaint feedback records are kept as attachments to the form.
3.Resolution of Complaints and Customer Notification
3.1.In resolving all complaints, Baykon opens a Corrective Action Form, if necessary, to eliminate the root cause of the complaint according to the Corrective Action Procedure. Customers are informed in writing (email) about the stages of the complaint and the results of the actions taken. The follow-up of the complaint is carried out by the Quality Assurance Manager.
3.2.Records of customer complaints are analyzed by the Quality Assurance Manager and evaluated within the framework of the Management Review Procedure.
3.3.All records related to customer complaints are maintained by the Quality Assurance Manager according to the Records Control Procedure.
Formulaire d'opinion du client